Note: Skippers wishing to attain commercial endorsements should note that this information serves as a guide. However, it is important to emphasize that this list is not exhaustive; hence, there may be other qualifications that could also meet the criteria for commercial endorsements.

The limit for vessels is 24 meters, and their gross tonnage (GT) must not exceed 200, except for those holding a Yachtmaster Offshore qualification with additional endorsements. Skippers seeking commercial endorsements will face a 24-meter restriction, except for PB2, where vessels are limited to 10 meters or less.

Furthermore, those with previous boating experience can opt for a direct assessment to attain Level 2.

Level: Powerboat Level 2

Entitles you to: Take a suitably coded vessel up to 3 miles from a nominated point of departure in favourable weather and daylight under MGN280 but not under the workboat code.


Level: Day Skipper

Entitles you to: Take a suitably coded vessel up to 20 miles from a nominated point of departure in favourable weather and daylight under MGN280 and the workboat code.


Level: Advanced Powerboat

Entitles you to: Take a suitably coded vessel up to 20 miles from a safe haven under both MGN280 and the workboat code. Note the workboat code requires some additional qualifications.


Level: Yachtmaster Offshore

Entitles you to: Take a suitably coded vessel up to 150 miles from a safe haven. To earn the Certificate of Competence, candidates can choose between power or sail, each requiring a separate examination.


For STCW Endorsement:

  • STCW Personal Survival Techniques *
  • STCW Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities *
  • STCW Elementary First Aid *
  • STCW Fire prevention and Fire Fighting *

If you hold all four elements of the STCW Basic Safety training modules listed above then you can apply for the STCW Master 200 endorsement. Your certificate of competence will then be endorsed with the term “Master of Yachts 200GT”. With the STCW endorsement, your qualification will allow you to skipper a UK-registered vessel up to 200GT, which could be larger than 24m.

* Candidates must have completed these requirements within the past 5 years, or they must have taken a refresher course.

Qualifications for workboats

Below, we have outlined the additional qualifications required when operating under the workboat code:

Vessels less than 15m

  • 1 Day Fire fighting course
  • MCA Radar course if a RADAR is fitted
  • MCA Stability Course (when required)

Vessels greater than 15m

  • 3 Day Fire Fighting course
  • MCA Small Ships Navigation & Radar (or ECDIS if fitted)
  • MCA Stability Course (when required)