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    RYA Navigation CoursesRYA Online Courses

    RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship

    The Essential Navigation and Seamanship course aims to provide a basic awareness and understanding of navigation and safety. This course is ideal for dinghy sailors, keelboaters, powerboaters, jet ski riders and SCUBA divers.

  • RYA Short Courses

    RYA First Aid Course

    This course will provide you with a basic knowledge of First Aid and is aimed at people who will be using small craft on inland waters or the sea. The course is equally suitable for dinghy sailors, windsurfers, motor boaters and ocean sailors. 

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    RYA Courses Afloat

    RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course

    This two-day course in Powerboating with no previous experience required is great for building confidence and allowing people to try out boating in a safe environment and build confidence. This could be when undertaking day trips on their own around Northern Ireland or when on holiday aboard. The qualification allows you to apply for an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) …

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    RYA Courses Afloat

    RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course – Women On Water

    This women on water two-day course in Powerboating with no previous experience required is great for building confidence and allowing people to try out boating in a safe environment and build confidence. This could be when undertaking day trips on their own around Northern Ireland or when on holiday aboard. The qualification allows you to apply for an International Certificate …

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    RYA Short Courses

    RYA Radar Course

    A day course we can teach you how to adjust the controls, interpret the picture and make use of the set for navigation and for collision avoidance.

  • RYA Online Courses

    RYA Safe and Fun Course

    The RYA Safe and Fun course is a requirement for all newly qualified Level 2 Racing Coaches, RYA Dinghy Instructors, RYA Keelboat Instructors, RYA Windsurf Instructors and RYA Senior Instructors

  • RYA Online CoursesRYA Short Courses

    RYA VHF Radio Course and Exam

    • The RYA VHF Course, also known as the Short Range Certificate (SRC) course is the minimum qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment on a UK-flagged vessel.